* I finally got my new car as evidenced in my last post. It has required many new adjustments on my part, most notably reading the owners manual! The thing has so many gizmos and gadjets that just operating the radio required an entire chapter in the manual. I went to get gas and left the manual at home and sat in the gas station for 10 minutes before I could figure out how to open up the gas tank! Next week we are going to a class on the care and feeding of the vehicle, hopefully that will help us....
* Isabella has started the second grade. UGH! (Talk about feeling old, wasn't it just yesterday that it was my babies going off to elementary school?) Anyway, with Michelle's new job requiring her to work more hours until an assistant is found, Jim and I are helping pick up Bella from school, get homework done and get her to dance class when needed. After a summer of fun it is an adjustment to get into a routine again but luckily she is a very easy and disciplined child who enjoys school and loves learning. It makes it way easier!
* After careful thought and consideration, Michelle and Shawn have decided to share their love and their home together. They found a very nice place close to Michelle's work, close to us and Bella's school and much closer to Shawn's work than he was and they will move in on Saturday. Michelle has been busy packing in between working and after getting Bella to bed. They got the keys last night and can't wait to move in! Their place is adorable and I'm sure they will put their own personal stamp on it before too long. Jim and I are both very excited for them as we know that this is a new beginning for them and a good move for them, but at the same time an adjustment for us. We have become so accustomed to having our darling Bella with us and of course Michelle too. But having a little one is different, she brings a renewed life into our home, a different attitude, she reminds us not to take ourselves too seriosly. It's the little, everyday things that I'll miss the most, the kisses goodnight, the way she skips down the hallway and wraps her arms around my legs saying GaGa when I get home from work, the chatter at the dinner table, the warm sleepies, silly giggles, the toothless grins and the 'I love you's. I know I'll still see her a lot and I know she is close by and I count my blessings for that, but it will still be an adjustment.
* I guess another thing that I'll have to adjust to is being an 'empty nester'! Being alone with my husband again. OMG! What will we talk about, what will we do? Hmmm? Maybe I can think of a thing or two. But really, is he going to expect me to like sit with him all the time? 'Cuz that won't be happening. Togetherness is one thing, I'm all for it don't get me wrong. But I draw the line at being tied at the hip! No sir, not me, get yourself another. Because this one might write a song about it, but I'm not gonna live it, put me on the next train.
* One other adjustment and perhaps the biggest of all that I have to get used to is the one that my body goes through at this time of year. It is difficult at times to comes to terms with the fact that I am not the person that I once was. That my body does not respond to the demands that my brain asks of it. The things that we take for granted. Simple things, like standing unaided, or bending down and getting back up, opening your hand to release a grip. Relaxing. Somewhere along the way, my body has forgotten the route and chooses instead the road less traveled and that makes all the difference, but not in a good way. It's a period of re-adjustment as I get used to the limitations that I must learn to accept.
So, that's about it for now. Lot's of changes with more to come I'm sure. Fall is quickly approaching and before long we'll be thinking about the holidays!
how did the move go?