Friday, December 3, 2010

Scents and Sweets

Last night Jim, Isabella and I went to the Scentsand Sweets Competition in Downtown Frederick.  The competition is for wreath, floral arrangements ad gingerbread structures and they have both amature and professional categories.  I had not been before, but Jim had gone with the girls last year and were quite impressed with all that they had to offer.  You could vote for your faorite wreath or put a bid in to buy one or several if you like!  All were creative and beautiful, some were traditional, some modern, others were playful while others still were just plain out there.  My favorite wreath was this one:

Made with red roses, rolled sheet music, a golden horn-it was just beautiful!  The bidding was going up and up on this one!
Jim was really fond of this one:
Let it Snow!
Bella was intrigued by this one:

Her favorite one though I failed to get a picture of, it was done by a local elementary school and was made of crayons!  Very cute. 
The money made on the sale of the wreaths all went to charity too, so it was a win, win situation.

Then there were the gingerbread structures.  Wow!  I am in awe of those.  Mostly because I am completely inept at that kind of thing.  One of the categories is Under 12 and some of theirs are WAY better than anything that I could do! 
There was one young lady there who was standing by her project and she was in the 13-18 Category.  Bella told her that she had made one last year for fun and the girl told her how much fun she had making hers and that she should try it again.  She then went on to explain a little of how she made hers, she was very sweet.  Here's a picture of her structure:

An Igloo!  Isn't that dear!  She even had it decorated inside the igloo and had a litte snowman and a few penguins around. 
Here is another one from the same category:
Amazing, right?!

Now for a professional one, are you ready?

Isn't that amazing?
I just love these so much!  I can't even imagine the work that goes into this.  It even has windows!  Just beautiful.
That was our night. 
Now I know Bella is going to want to make one and I'll wind up with icing all over me, and very little on the gingerbread.  Sprinkles and candy on the floor and in our hair, dripping off the house, it will look nothing like these, but we'll have fun doing it! 
And have lots of clean up afterwards!

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