Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Surviving Sandy

It would seem that the worst of the hurricane Sandy has passed and we are still here.  It was quite a storm, to say the least.  Everyone has not been nearly fortunate as we have been and many hundreds of thousands have been effected by this massive storm.  Damages are going to be in the millions.  If you have been paying any attention to the  news, you have seen some of the pictures that have been shown of Atlantic City where the boardwalk has been completely washed away.  New York City is a mess and out in parts of West Virginia they are dealing with 30 inches of snow and counting!  We got by with strong winds and a lot of rain.  We slept in our basement last night as advised on the news and we had no power throughout the night, but it was thankfully restored this morning.

The Mr. and I decided to take a drive around town and survey the damages and here is a little of what we saw.
This is Carroll Creek, normally the water comes over here, but not normally at that rate.  The creek is typically less than half that size.
You can see a lot of debris in the water here, another view of the Carroll Creek.
The railing there shows the edge of the road, but as you can see the water comes way over the road.
There were a lot of trees down, many pulled up from the roots.  A condo development in our community had a lot of damage to the buildings where siding was just ripped off.  The siding was scattered all over the place.  I heard on the news though that the water has not crested yet and there will be more flooding.
This morning there were 77 roads closed in Frederick.
So thankful that I didn't have to go to work this morning!
Hope that everyone is safe and staying warm.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Simple Things

This weekend was about enjoying the Simple Things, like watching Roxie snuggling up under a pile of leaves in the backyard, taking a stroll downtown and spending time with family in person and on the phone.

Friday, October 26, 2012


With the onset of October, many people begin to feel like Fall is really here.  The leaves are changing, temperatures are beginning to get cooler, and little ghosts and goblins begin to pop up in all forms.
This year however, the weather has been anything but 'Fall'like.  This week the temperatures avereraged 72 here in the DC Metro region.  One day this week it hit 80!  Great to be outside.

But things are about to change according to our weather man.  Our area and particularly the North East is looking towards the convergance of three big storms; Hurricane Sandy is heading our way from the South, a wintry storm is coming in from the West and 'frigid' air is bearing down on us from Canada.  To top it all off we will be experiencing a full moon, which causes higher tides and winds.  Creating what forecasters have deemed  'Frankenstorm' heading our way.  (Cue the music now.)  A storm of historic proportions.

What does that mean for us here where I live?  For one, it means don't get sick or run out of toilet paper as there will be none available at the grocery stores.  If you find yourself without, you may want to stock up on some of those leaves that have recently fallen from the trees and have not yet become crunchy.  Or you can always choose the 'drip dry' method in the case of an extreme emergency, though I don't recommend that as chafing is sure to follow.
Bread and milk are probably already gone from area grocers.  What is it about a storm that makes people stock up on bread and milk?  Do you use more of those items in bad weather?  Do heavy rains make you want to eat a sandwich?  This is something that I have had to get used to since moving to the area many years ago.
You see, I grew up in North Western New Jersey and we got snow.  Lots of it in fact.  I know we were a little more used to it, but it had to be really bad for schools to be closed due to snow.  In fact, I remember standing at the bus stop in what felt like several feet of snow (remember, I was shorter then!) and wondering where the bus was.  When it finally came by, our driver just opened the window a bit to tell us that school had been cancelled.  Here they have been known to cancel schools before a flake of snow has even been spotted!  Ha, Wimps.  
I do remember one storm that hit so hard we were all snowed in for several days.  A rare happening indeed.  We lived in an area where there weren't too many housed, but the folks were all very friendly.  I awoke one night to peals of laughter and loud voices coming from outside.  I looked out  my bedroom window to see many of our parents sledding and tobogganing down the hill in front of our house!  (They all slept in late the next day and there were a few rather substantial bruises to be seen.)
When one family discovered that they were running low on staples, they called around and got lists of items the neighbors needed and headed out to the General Store (for real) on a snowmobile.  It worked.

If the power went out, the kids didn't think much of it in the daytime.  That's because we were all outside playing.  We would play in the snow for hours before coming in.  We didn't sit around and watch TV or play video games all day.  True, we didn't have video games, or computers, but you get the point.  We considered it an adventure if the lights went out at night.  Playing with flashlights, lighting candles and a fire in the fireplace.  We talked to each other!  Played family games, read, that kind of thing. 
Now I have to admit that I am now as spoiled as the next person by the conveniences we live with.  But I am looking forward to a gloomy, stay at home day(s).  I'd like to work on making my Christmas cards, do some baking, scrapbook a layout or two and just relax at home.  Sounds heavenly to me!

We'll see what the weather has to offer and what it turns out to be.  What do you do on rainy, stormy days?

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I can't believe that it is Thursday already.  I like Thursday's though, they are on the eve of Friday and Friday brings with it the anticipation of the weekend.  And, well, what's not to love about the weekend?!
Lately our weekends seem to be filled to the brim.  Saturday I spent the morning cleaning the house-and let me tell you, it was sorely in need of cleaning!  My floors were an absolute disgrace and I scrubbed my kitchen floor on my hands and knees and then when I was done, I got out the bucket and mop and did it again, just to get anything I may have missed.   It sure was nice to look at for those 4 minutes that it was clean.  I kid you not.  Just had to let the dogs in from outside and they somehow managed to get 'stuff' on my newly clean floor.  Next floor in that kitchen is going to be wood-a lot less shows on that. 
Later in the day Michelle and company joined us and we all headed over to Summer's Farm for an afternoon of sun, pumpkins, and fun.  Boy, it was a spectacular day!  Bella had a great time and that is enough to make the rest of us happy. 

It was really a beautiful day, marred only slightly by the fact that my legs choose to not fully cooperate with me, making walking around a farm just a little difficult. 
After the farm we stopped to eat quickly and then headed home to get ready for the next adventure.  Catoctin Zoo was hosting Boo in the Zoo!  I opted out of that particular funfest, choosing instead to stay home and rest.  Good thing too seeing as I have enough difficulty walking around in broad daylight, walking in the zoo after nightfall was not something that I was up to trying.  Safe bet I think!
Bella was asleep in the car practically before pulling out of the parking lot.  One tired little girl!
Tim called and gave us some terrific news, he and Esther will be home for Thanksgiving!  Woo-hoo!
We never know when we can expect to see them as they both have busy schedules and work opposite hours from each other.  When they do have a day off together, they like to spend it together.  We are thrilled that we'll get to see them for the holiday!  Don't know yet what Michelle and Shawn will be doing, but I'm sure we'll get to see them for at least a little bit of the day.  I'm hoping that we can all be together even if it is for a short time.
Tim and Esther have been really busy.  Tim's restuarant has been picking up quite a bit and recently they were hosts to a fund raiser for the Obama/Biden campaign.  They all had to be investigated and the place inspected by the Secret Service and then President Obama didn't show up, but VP Biden made it with his wife.  Tim has also had the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with Byron Leftwich of the Pittsburgh Steelers.  He comes into the restuarant quite frequently and last time he came in he brought another Steeler along with him. (Sorry, but I can't remember his name.) So, that's been kind of fun for him being such a fan of the team.

That's about all for now.  Hoping to be able to post some crafty pics next time, but I can't promise you that!
Happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In the Pink!

That's not always a good thing.  I am home today with pink eye-again.  I have had pink eye more this year than I have in my whole life.  After seeing both a physician and an opthamologist, I think that I have found the culprit.  Each time that I develop this we are working on another build out a work, the dust is flying and I'm overseeing the job.  So there you have it. 

Today Mr. Wonderful walked Bella to school, he tries to do that whenever it is nice enough to walk.  Bella thought is was too cold and in trying to prove a point, she kept telling her Granddaddy that she was freezing. He finally remarked to her that she could keep complaining or she could hurry up and walk and get there faster.  Her response?  'Oh, I'm fine with complaining.  I'm freezing!' That kid cracks me up.  My mister said that she is a wife in training.  Oh!   No he didn't!  Ha!

Been working on a few crafty things.  A friend from work is helping to host a baby shower and asked me to make a bunch of stuff for it.  I'm doing a banner, food signs, a onesie line and some large clothespins to hang the line from.  I'll try and get some pics to post when it is set up!

And finally, I've received several comments about Jillians pictures and the collage and have been promising my sister one from her daughter's shoot, so without further ado-Julia;

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Weekend in Review

Sometimes I just don't  know where the time goes!  Well, to be honest, most of the time I don't know where anything goes-but that's another subject entirely. 
Everyday is filled with work, family, activities and the like and I am so exhausted at the end of each day that I just CRASH!  What makes it worse is that it is getting dark earlier and I am ready for bed by 8:00.  I feel like a child!  As long as I don't have to wear bibs or diapers, I guess I am okay.  Ha!

Anyway, had a busy, busy weekend.  Saturday I went and did a photo shoot for a Senior girl. She was an absolute delight and we had a good time, but we were all over the place.  She had asked that some of the pictures be taken with her horse, so our last stop of the day was at the farm where she boards her horse.  It was a picture perfect day, temperatures were moderate and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue, but the lighting was not optimal.  She couldn't get started until noon and by the time we started shooting it was close to 1:00 and the sun was rather harsh.  But we did get some good shots.
Here are a few of them, cropped to fit into the collage, but you get the idea.

I got home about five and was just beat .  Mr. Wonderful had been at work most of the day, but he made it home before I did and started on some yard work.  We were both bushed and too tired to even go out for dinner, so Stauffer's came to our rescue.  Luckily, he is easy to please and doen't expect too much from me in the cooking department.  Ha!

On Sunday we accompanied Michelle,Shawn and Bella to the Great Pumpkin Patch the community park in Mt. Airy.  It was cute, but I think that Bella is probably growing out of that one as the activities were just a little too young for her.  After we were through there, we went up the road a mile or two to Gaver's Farm and enjoyed another beautiful Fall day.  We went to the pumpkin patch and picked a pumpkin, played games, saw the animals and just really had a nice time. 
They had a good time on the slide, and no one was hurt but Shawn's pants didn't quite survive the ride.  He got off and small tear in his pants had torn open and his pocket was hanging off his pants! 

Boy, does this little girl LOVE her Daddy!
Shawn and his girls.

We didn't get back home until 5:00 and I have to tell you, Mr. W and I were about done.  I plopped on the couch and he sat in his Lazy Boy and that was about it.  We really are getting old. 
That's about it!  I'm busy editing pictures and helping a co-worker with a baby shower she's throwing.  So, I have plenty to keep me busy!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Choosing Joy!

I think that I've said it before but it bears repeating.  What if everyone you met or encountered in life wore a sign that tells a story about themselves?  Things like: "Just Lost My Job", "Lost a Child",  "New Baby", "Newlywed", "Caretaker", "Overwhelmed!", "Cancer Patient", and so on.  Would you be more understanding if they didn't live up to your expectations of them?  Would you avoid people whose 'story' made you feel uncomfortable or would you make a point to speak with them, offer comfort, compassion?  Makes you think, doesn't it.
But we don't wear signs, not traditional signs anyway.  What we do wear is our emotions, our feelings, our mood.  Whether we are all aware of it or not, our mood is an outward sign to the world about what is going on inside.  We can say with a word or two or sometimes just by a look, 'Come In' or 'Back Off'.  Visible expressions of what we are putting out to the world.  And what we put out we often get in return. 

That is  a difficult lesson to learn and for some, it is we that is never learned.  It is something that I struggle with every day.  Not because my story is an unusual one, but because I wear my emotions on my sleeve.  Anyone who knows me in real life knows that to be true.  I have always been that way and it is something that I might like to change about myself if I could, but it is just a part of who I am.  I am typically a happy, easygoing person.  I like to be happy and try to seek  happiness in life and in others.  Not that I shy away from those who bear a sign that carries with it difficulties or sadness, not at all.  But, I am generally happiy and wearing a smile.  What makes that difficult is that if I am not smiling and outwardly cheerful, people seem to think that something is wrong, that my story has changed.
I tend to let others mood be reflected in my own, giving off a Keep Out kind of vibe.  That is not who I want to be and as I've said I struggle with it a bit.  I like being upbeat and positive, even though that is not always possible. 

When I received my diagnosis of Muscular Dystrophy I tried to put a positive spin on it and I believe that I have had some success in that endeavor.  I don't dwell on the 'what ifs' and the 'why me', but rather I take comfort in the knowledge that it could be worse and that I might in some small way be able to help someone else who is struggling.  I am not defined by my diagnosis, but it is a part of who I am and how I have grown.  I count my Blessings and they are many, one of which is MD.  I am Blessed to have been choosen to take this journey in life.  I struggle sometimes, that is true, some things are more difficult for me that they were before or than they may be for others.  It is a journey that I seek daily.  I am trying-trying to walk in His footsteps.  To be an example of God's presence in my life and to share that with others. 
We all make choices that can help to determine the outcome of things.  Sometimes it is easier to be overwhelmed by the negativity that we see in the world and forget to see the beauty.  It is there, we just need to seek it.  I am working to make a choice to choose joy in my life.  That is not to say that I am happy all the time or that I don't get down or blue, because that is just not possible.  But I believe that when we seek joy we can find it.  It is His way, and it is the path that I wish to follow.  Choosing Joy.  Not just during the holidays or from time to time, but every day. 

What is your story?  Share it with me, I'd like to hear it.