Monday, February 13, 2012

A 'Pinteresting' Weekend

I made it home from Quantico safe and sound, just exhausted.  I continued to work a lot of hours the remainder of the week and had very little down time.  Whatever down time I did have, I spent passed out on the couch.  It was quite a week and I have a feeling that this one is shaping up to be another one much the same.  Between preparing for a security inspection and my facilities work in co-ordinating not one but two build outs of our current facility.  All of which are set to be completed by the end of March, with Michelle's wedding falling in the beginning of that month too as you may remember!  Yes, things just never seem to come at an opportune time.

Friday night Michelle was coming home from her trip to Michigan and her flight was due to arrive in at the airport at around 9 something, so she had asked if I would keep Bella and Aiden overnight.  'Course I said yes (hardship though it was! ha!).  Mr. Wonderful made dinner for all of us, Shawn too and after dinner, I did a little experiment that I had seen on Pinterest with the kids.  They made their own lava with water bottles, oil, water, food coloring and Alka Seltzer.  They really worked so well and the kids had so much fun!  They just loved it!

Bella adding her Alka Seltzer tablets, 1/4 tab at a time.

Aiden waiting for his colored bubbles to begin rising...

It works!

After we were done with that I asked them if they wanted to do another project, they jumped at the chance.  Aiden looked at Bella and gave her a high 5 and said that I was 'Awesome'.  It doesn't take much to make 7 year olds happy!  Next, it was crayons, glue and a canvas.  We just glued the crayons to an art canvas and then melted them with a blow dryer to create abstract art.  Again, simple but fun.  They loved creating their works of art.  Trying to figure out what the design would look like after the crayons had melted.  We had such a good time that the kids asked that we plan to do something like this each time they have a  sleepover.  Pinterest makes it easy and takes pressure off a tired grandma!
Here are their projects:

Bella and her crayon art.

Aiden and his masterpiece.

Saturday the big kids picked them up and then Aiden had a baskedball game and Bella had dance and they were off and running!  We saw Michelle for about 15 minutes, if that.  Oh well, I guess that is what it's like.
She and Shawn both work full time, and overtime, and have a home and they each have a child and are planning a wedding, I'm lucky for the 15 minutes, as that's more than I often get. 
This week she has a fitting schedule, so I'll go with her and at least I'll have time alone with her in the car.  (Until she falls asleep.)
We are down to four weeks and counting until the wedding.  I worked on quite a few things over the weekend.  I'll catch you all up another day on those projects, but for now-it's bedtime.

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