Friday, May 3, 2013

May Already?!

Where does the time go?  Honestly it feels like Christmas was just last week and now it is May already.  I also realized that my darling Isabella is going to be nine soon and then she reminded me that ten is next and she'll be a teenager and driving and dating before I know it!  Like I needed to be reminded of those days.  Ha!  I think her father has been getting busy polishing his gun.  (Kidding!  He doesn't own a gun, but you know what I mean.)
So, Spring is here in all its glory and with it comes a very busy season.  I have a baby shower to attend on Sunday and the mom to be is a dear friend of my daughter's and the two of them have spent many, many hundreds of hours together over the years and her mom and I are good friends too.  I offered to do a few things for the shower which has a bird theme, so I have been busy working on those few things.  (Pictures next week.)  Additionally, there are several graduation parties for which I have been asked to do some crafting for and of course, the main event is Isabella's birthday party which this year is on the 1st of June.  My plate is pretty full!
 When I was thinking about what to get Brooke, the mom to be,  for the shower I wanted it to be something special yet pratical too.  Hmm.  While I was browsing on Pinterest one day I came across an adorable hat for a girl.  It was a baseball hat and Brooke loves baseball! 
I was going to order it but it was $23. and I wanted to do something else as well so instead I called my sister. I asked if she'd be willing to make one and sent her a picture and she said sure. Now, my sister Susan, is freaking amazing. She got the creative genes in the family and is a whiz with any type of craft needle-knit, crochet and sewing-she can do it! She won a blue ribbon for a poncho she entered at the county fair when she was like 13. Anyway, she whipped it up and sent it to me and voila!  The hat above is the one I saw one Pinterest and she replicated it without the little brim and I had the baseball button so I sewed it in (that's about all I can handle!) 
I also decided to make her a Diaper Cake, as what mom doesn't like diapers? Brooke spent a great deal of her childhood and young adulthood in ballet classes and is all about the ballet, so I decided to go with a ballet themed cake.  Here is what I came up with:

Sorry about the picture, it won't stay turned!

Anyway, I made the little tutu  on the bottom layer, they layers are formed around a large bottle of baby powder, the top layer is a headband and the little shoes are sparkly.  The lamb is from some TV show that I've never heard of, but it was the only thing I could find that was a ballerina.  The picture really doesn't do it justice, but it came out really cute. 

I also made the invitations for Bella's party.  The theme this year is a Red Carpet Movie Party.  Here's what I came up with:

                                                                   And the inside:

(I put a little piece of paper over the address and phone number, but you get the idea!
I liked the way they turned out and Bella's thrilled, so that's what matters.

As you may have guessed, these projects have been occupying any free time that I have lately.  Gotta tell you, working really gets in the way of my social and crafting life!

What have you been up to?

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