Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Thursday is here and it has been a long week.  It has been a rather gloomy week here, lots of much needed rain yesterday and very foggy this morning.  Monday and Tuesday were hot, hot, hot and it will be hot again today.  Consequently, my head has been aching!  I have been dealing with a migraine for the better part of the week along with a miriad of other aches and pains.  All a consequense of a combination of things, the weather and the Muscular Dystrophy.  So, I have been sleepy and probably a little grumpier than usual. 

But today the sun is shining and it is nearing the end of the week, the weekend is just around the corner and I have so much to be grateful for that I choose to focus on that!  In honor of Thursday, here are just a few things that I am thankful for today:
 1. My Family-I have such a great warm, loving and supportive family and I am sooooo thankful for each and
     every one of them!
 2. Painters-That's right, as I type this there are painters at my house painting the outside trim, shutters,
     doors, and caulking the windows so I don't have to!  YEAH!
 3. Friends Who Call Me at Work-You know who you are.  What a great break in the middle of the work-
     day to pick up the phone and hear your friends' voice on the line just calling to say 'hi' or ask  how my
     weigh in went.  What a special blessing!
 4. A Good Weigh In-Another good week on the scales!  Wooo-hooo!  It has been a long and difficult road,
     but I am rapidly now down 29 pounds, and boy will it sound good to say 30.  Still have a way to go, but
     it is a great start and I am happy about what I have accomplished so far.
 5. A Craft that I Love!-Scrapbooking/Cardmaking/Crafting, I just love it and it is a great source of stress
     relief for me.  I am very grateful that I have found something that makes me happy and that I find so

I could go on, but I am going to stop for now.What about you?  What are you thankful for today? 
And so you know that I mean what I say, here are a few examples of what I've been working on lately.

Bella's first day of Kindergarten (that was last year for anyone keeping track!)


What do you know-2010!  Journaling block blank, but can't have it all! 
(Paper piecing Legacy Paper Arts.)

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