Sorry that I have not posted all week, I have been having computer problems. Either my computer won't work or I don't have time to get to the computer! Ha! I don't know who I am apologizing to anyway, does anyone read this?
Anyway, it is Monday again. Every weekend seems to zoom by me in the blink of an eye. Each week I am determined to slow down and take it easy, but it doesn't ever seem to work out that way. I have been aching to get into my Scrapatorium and spend the day in there crafting and creating, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards.
Last weekend I drove up to NJ to join my family at the wedding of my cousin Christine. It was her second marriage and it seems the second time is a charm for her! It was a lovely wedding and she looked beautiful! I know they say all brides are beautiful, but let's be honest, they're not! This one was! Me, the one who is usually good at details, can't tell you much about the dress. Christine and her new husband Mark looked so joyous I didn't really notice their clothes! It was a lot of fun though and a great opportunity to visit with family that I don't get to see too often. Problem was, it took me about the whole week to recover from the weekend. I just don't travel well, it takes a lot out of me and then on top of it all I got sick during the week.
Wasn't feeling well still on Saturday so I stayed close to home. I was determined to get to church on Sunday though. We did make it and I am always glad when I go, it gives me sustinance to get through the week. I saw an old and dear friend at church, Olive. I met Olive when I first became a member of the church in 1986 and we were both in the choir. Later, when I became a Deacon I was asked to visit with some of the shut-ins of the church and I one of my assigned members was Miss Grace, Olive's mother. She was a treasure of a woman and when I would visit she would talk about her family and her faith and books that she had read. One day I got a call from the church informing me that Miss Grace was in the hospital. I went to visit her, only to find out that she was in ICU and as I was not family I couldn't see her. Something made me go to the waiting room and sit and in a while Olive came out to find me there. I visited with her and listened as she talked about her Mother and what had happened. Miss Grace passed away that night and went on to her Heavenly Father. She no longer needed me, but Olive did and we grew close. But as sometimes happens, Olive left our church and moved to another one (she has since come back) and we lost touch. Years went on and one day at work we all went to see our new building and who was there at the reception desk, but Olive. We reconnected and have been close again since. That was 7 years ago. Olive is another red head and we are often asked if we are related. (I am 47 and Olive is 77.) At church she told me that she had to have surgery on her foot and needed to ask another member to take her. I said that if that person couldn't to let me know, I'd take her. She looked at me and said "But you work." I told her that I'd take off and she replied "You'd do that?" Of course I would do that! And I am honored to do it. I'd like to write about all of the things that we have been through together, all the laughter and tears that we have shared, the angst and the pain, but there just isn't enough time! So, please pray for Olive on October 16th, that her surgery goes well, that God is with her, and that she enjoys a swift recovery.
Then we went to the Pumpkin Patch, where the above pictures were snapped! That girl has my heart I tell you!
I can't figure out how to put pictures where I want them, they just go wherever they want!
Hope to post again soon!
I check your Blog every day