Thursday, May 6, 2010

Guess What I Got?

Quiet Time!  Bliss.  Can you believe it?  I got off work a little early because my hip flexor had been acting up and I had been pushing myself like crazy so I decided to kick off early.  I called to say I was on my way home and Michelle told me that she was picking Isabella up from school and dropping her off with Jim who was then taking her to the circus.  Michelle then had to head back to work and didn't know how long she would have to be there.  So I got home to an empty house.  It was strange, I have to say.  I have become so used to someone being around all the time that I am not used to being home alone.  I didn't quite know what to do at first.  So I went upstairs to change and well, it went downhill from there.  Not really.
I changed the sheets on my  bed and cleaned up my room.  Then I ironed the basket of clothes that had been staring me in the face for the last several days and magically growing as I did nothing about it.  I got through the whole basket.  I indulged myself and watched Oprah while I was ironing and it was pretty funny too.  Male makeovers!  Next I went downstairs and unloaded the dishwasher and straightened up the kitchen, fed the dogs and let them outside.  I figured I'd let the dogs back in then sit down and read my book, but Roxie had caught a bird in the yard and wanted to bring it inside with her and I wanted her to leave the poor dead thing outside.  Michelle came home then and was able to get Roxie to drop the bird outside.  Dumb dog!
Then Michelle and I sat down and watched the episode of Biggest Loosers that we had TiVoed (sp) from the night before.  It was the make over episode and it is amazing to me!  Anyway, as we were nearing the end Jim calls and said to meet him and Bella at Poblano Grill for Cinco de Mayo dinner and to bring a camera.  So we did and this is what we saw:
Bella had gotten her face painted by a clown at the circus!  Doesn't she make a cute cheetah?  What you can't see is the glitter.  The best part, is was super easy to remove-that gets bonus Mom points! 
Asked what she liked best about the circus Bellas reply?  "Everything!"  She was mezmerized. 

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