This little girl just cracks me up!
She is seven going on seventeen-at least. My niece said to me at the wedding that when she saw Isabella walking down the aisle, she thought to herself that she was a little girl but an old soul. It's very true. In so many ways she is so much older and deeper than most kids her age. I'm not sure why that is, but she it just is. She takes things very seriously and is quite emotional, she is her very hard on herself and despite her parents and our best efforts, she pushes herself. As a matter of fact, last week she was asking her Granddad about colleges! She's seven! The girl likes to plan ahead.
Speaking of planning ahead, the day after her birthday party last year she started asking me about her birthday party for this year. What are we going to do? So, now that the wedding is over and her birthday is a mere three months away, we are in full planning mode. After much discussion, I believe that we have finally decided upon a theme for the big bash. Bella has had a lot of input on this aspect of the party this year, wheras in past years I have been able to just suggest a theme and she readily agrees to it. This year she really wanted to do something with animals because she wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. We had done a safari themed birthday for her 5th birthday and we are not cat so it was kind of natural to go for a dog theme. She liked that and I could work with that and thought we were set. Then she got to thinking and well, that can be dangerous. The child has dreams. She wants to travel too, she dreams of going to Egypt and seeing mummies and the Eiffel Tower in Paris, The Great Wall in China, a safari in Africa. I can only hope that her career pays her well and gives her a lot of time off! While most little girls dream of going to Disney World, Bella dreams of traveling the world! Anyway, now she thinks she might like to do a Parisian Poodle themed party. Her mom will just die. Ha! So girly and fun, I can see it now - lots of pink and black, tulle and rinestones. Yippee! What fun. Oh the possibilities....
Better start working, I've already been Pinning my little fingers off!
So, if you see anything or have any ideas for me-feel free to share. Till then-Hobby Lobby, here I come!
does she know uncle b visited the great wall?