Things are finally getting back to normal around here-whatever 'normal' is for us. The hubub of the wedding has died down, the mess has been put away, and the flowers have all died and the vases have been cleaned and stored away for another time. So what's new around here?
Well, first up I had my checkup at Kennedy Kreiger Institute on Friday. I always have somewhat mixed emotions about going in for that appointment, but I have to say that when I arrive there and I am able to walk in on my own without any assistance and I get to the waiting room to see others who are not as fortunate as I, I take the time to count my blessings once again and realize just how lucky I am! It was a long appointment though, about three hours or so and it started with a breating test. Easy enough and totally non-invasive, just a measurement of lung capacity. Followed by vitals, stats, all the norms then a strength test (she said that I had great strength!), talk and meds review, wrap up with the doctor, phlebotomy, pt, check out. So the crux of the matter is this, not a whole lot to do about the pain at this point. She wants me to go for physical therapy again on a regular basis and to try it with a different therapist or a different group. Studies have shown that it does help over time, the problem is that it is so time consuming and I have so little spare time as it it, but I suppose that I will need to find the time to fit it in. Overall, my meds have remained fairly consistent with one slight change, I can up my dosage of the stimulant that I currantly take, so I am hoping for positive results there.
Next up-Jim noticed earlier in the week when he went to let the dogs on one morning that we had an early morning visitor to our pond. A somewhat unwelcome visitor-a heron, who was helping himself to a lovely breakfast buffet of our fantail fish, frogs and other fish. I guess they were too tempting for him to resist. So Jim had asked if Bella could come over after Saturday afternoon to go shopping with him for a few new fish. She came over but before we went shopping, she discovered that a little leprechaun had been here and had been somewhat mischeveous! See for yourself:
Who knew that they peed green?
What a mess!
After she gathered up the coins that he had left lying around, we went out and got a few new fish for our pond. Six to be exact. We are hoping that they will last long enough to grow and thrive and not become an appetizer for a bird! We also got a few new tadpoles. Jim staked out the pond and put string from stake to stake surrounding the pond. Herons can't land on the water, the have to land on the land and walk into the water and the string will keep them from the water and the fish.
Releasing the new fish into the pond.
Then we were lucky enough to keep Bella overnight. Michelle and Shawn got to have a night alone and went to dinner, only to become sick during the night. So, we had Bella a little longer than we might may have otherwise this morning. She is such a delight though, so much fun to have around we don't mind at all.
We played and I helped her make a couple of cards-one for her cousin and one for birthday party she is going to over the weekend. She's a good student and love's to work with my stamps and punches and such.
Then we went outside and I noticed that the funniest thing happened. As I looked around me I saw flowers, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, my cherry trees were in bloom as were my royal star magnolia. The aroma in my yard was so fragrant it was almost heady. Spring seemed to have sprung!
The cherry trees in our backyard
Daffodils and azzalia in the front garden.
Royal Star Magnolia
Weeping Cherry in the Front
The Cherry Blossoms in Washington were supposed to be in full bloom at the end of the month, but that has been ammended. The Festival is still scheduled for the end of the month as per usual, but they weather should be a little warmer throughout the day. So, Cheers!
Wow ! The Weeping cherry looks so lovely - So do the daffodils... Beautiful clicks !!!