Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snowed In!

It started snowing late Friday night and it snowed, and snowed and snowed!  We got about 2 feet of snow!  It was something.  My parents made it as far as Richmond on Friday night and continued up the rest of the way on Saturday.  The driving conditions were trecherous, but they took it slow and made it safe and sound.  It took them about 8 hours to travel 160 miles!  Dad may be done with his trips up North at Christmas!!  This will give you an idea of how it accumulated, the below picture was taken at 11:00 am on Saturday.

This one was taken at 1:30

This is at 3:30


                                                                        And again at 6:00.
When my parents did arrive at around 2:00, my Dad said that the bumper of his car was acting as a snow plow, as our roads had not been touched at that point.  We heard reports on the radio and tv that is was going to take days to dig out from the storm, but the crews worked around the clock and the roads in our development were plowed during the night.  Bella had a blast playing in the snow, as did the dogs!

The schools decided to cancel classes for the whole week, so the kids are happy about that! 
But I must say, it did put me behind on finishing up my last minute details, so as of now I am not done shopping.  Hopefully tonight I can swing by the mall, find what I am looking for quickly and make it back home before too long.  I just want to be finished at this point!  Next year, it is going to be different-I swear!

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