Monday, November 30, 2009

Five Days Off!!!

And what did I do?  Here's a brief rundown.  It started Tuesday night with my birthday.  (Thanks to everyone for the good wished!)  After dinner, Michelle and I went out to see New Moon.  Loved it!
Wednesday it was just me and Bella.  We got a manicure, cleaned the house, set the table for turkey day, ironed and got my hair cut.  She was terrific and ever so patient!  We had a great day. 
Thursday, I got up and started the preparations for Thanksgiving dinner.  I cut, peeled, chopped, sauteed, baked, boiled, pureed, and whipped.  We had my BIL Bill, my SIL Linda and my Nephew Ben.  It was a wonderful day and a delicious meal-if I do say so myself!  We don't get to see Jim's side of the family too ofter and it was so nice and relaxed, and fun.  And Jim and Tim cleaned up the kitchen!

Friday dawned early!  Actually, Michelle and I beat the dawn.  We got up to go shopping at 1:30 AM!  We hit all the hot spots and found lots of good deals and waited on a few lines.  Gymboree was the worst line-2.5 hours!  All for $5.99 pj's.  While I waited in line, Michelle made good use of the time and hit 3 other stores and the food court for a drink.  We had a blast and got home at 12:30PM.  Jim had taken Bella to have breakfast w/the Grinch in Downtown and they walked around the town afterwards taking part in 'Frosty Friday' in Frederick.  They made plans to be back to greet Santa as he came to town later that evening.  After he got home he informed me that we had no turkey left over (Read: no WHITE meat) and asked me to cook another turkey so we'd have leftovers.  I must  have been deleriously tired, because I agreed!  Later we all went to greet Santa in the cold, windy night.  Brrrrr!
See those smiles?  Well worth a little cold weather! 
We also got a little decorating done.  If you are not already aware of this, we are nuts!  Jim particularly.  We put up MANY trees!  One in the living room, one in the family room, one in Michelle's room, Bella's room, Timmy's room, the front porch, my Scrapatorium and the Dining Room.  The family room tree is the 'family tree' with colored lights, whimsical ornaments and red berry beads on it.  The living room tree is more formal; white lights, white angel on top, decorations in white, red, green and pink.  My tree in the scrapatorium is pink with fun, crafty ornaments on it and the dining room tree is my wine tree.  On the front porch we have a small tree with birds and bird houses on it, also with white lights, and the kids decorate their own with ornaments that they have been given over the years.  It's a lot of work, but we love it!  So far we have 5 up and decorated.
(living room)
We also got out our Santa collection.  We began collecting these after Jim's mother died.  She has a collection of them and each of the kids and grandkids  choose one as their own after her passing.  Since then we have each gotten one a year and Jim just doesn't know when to stop!  I have begged him to stop buying more, but he takes such joy in them he doesn't want to.  So, I find places to showcase them all-like this:

This picture shows eight, so you can imagine! 
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures. Jim will have to tell Bill about the multiple tree idea. I mention it and he says no way. Maybe Jim could help me talk him into it.

