Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday at Work

We made it through the weekend and Monday has arrived.  The above picture I took from my deck looking into the backyard.  As you can see, we got a lot of snow!!  That hole to the left of the picture is our little pond, we got around 34 inches total.  Guess what?  Another storm is headed our way and is expected to dump another 6-10 inches on us.  Schools are closed today and I'd guess they will be tomorrow as well and with more snow expected who knows when they'll go to school again!?
I made it to work today, but if we get more snow as expected, I don't think I'll make it in on Wednesday.  People around here don't drive too well in the snow and though I can manage, I worry about other drivers.  Many don't even take the snow off their cars.  This morning I saw a woman driving (and I was on the road with her for at least 15 minutes) she had 2 feet of snow on the top of her car and all her windows, except for the windshield were covered with frost/ice.  That's crazy!
Despite the shoveling, snow removal and an extra 5 year old, I did manage to get some scrapbooking in over the weekend. 
These pictures of Bella were taken at her pre-school last year.  They had picture people come in and they were allowed to dress any way that they wanted.  I thought they came out great!  (You can click on the pictures to see it bigger.)
This layout was scraplifted from one of Becky Higgins' books, quick and easy.  The pictures were from our trip to the pumpkin patch in 2008, so I got some catching up to do! 
What did you do this weekend?  Any snow where you live?  Let me know!


  1. You've been busy. I always love seeing two pagers.

  2. 1998 mom? Try 2008- only 10 years off! And btw, another foot is expected tomorrow, they just upped it

  3. oh my that is a lot of snow! Glad you are having fun indoors! Love the scrap book pages!
